3 Ways to Add Windows 8’s Best Features to Windows 7

A lot of people shirk at the mention of Windows 8 considering how different it is from its prior release, Windows 7.

Quite differently, some people think that Windows 8 is the best release yet by Microsoft, thanks to its new interface, Metro, as well as a couple of improvements made. However, if you do not wish to upgrade, you can enjoy these improvements by installing a couple of applications to Windows 7.

So, here are 3 ways to add Windows 8’s best features to Windows 7:

#1: Improvement in file copying and moving
One of the Windows 8’s best features is an improvement in file copying and moving. However, if you aren’t interested in upgrading, you can use an application known as Teracopy which will not only speed up transfers but also gives you the option to pause any file transfer as well.

#2: Why Better Explorer is better
Put simply, the File Explorer in Windows 8 is much better than its earlier version in Windows 7 by virtue of allowing you to mount ISO images but also restoring the Up button that allows you to up a directory. Since you don’t have this in Windows 7, you can install Better Explorer, which actually demonstrates more functionality than Windows 8’s File Explorer. Just pin Better Explorer to the taskbar and you won’t need to use Windows Explorer henceforth.

#3: Integrated Antivirus Protection
With the release of Windows 8, a Windows Defender antivirus has been included with the firewall as well. However, this was not available with Windows 7 but it shouldn’t be much of a disappointment for these users since there are several antivirus products out there that are safe and easy to use.