How to use a Read It Later service

There are times when you see or find an article that you really want to read, but don’t have the time. This is where read it later services like Instapaper and Pocket come in. Much like bookmarking, this allows you to save the link to the article along with the actual text. These services strip everything aside from the main content and save it for you to read it later.


These services also store offline copies of these articles for you to read later on your phone. Even if you are in an area without cell service or wireless internet, you can still read any articles you have saved for later. This happens in the background once you mark an article to be saved for later.

The best way to go about this is to have a browser extension installed on desktop computer at work or at home. When browsing mark the articles you want to read later. The phone app will then download it and have it ready to read offline.

A good practice is to also tag the articles you’re saving. Tagging can be by category. You could for example tag by sports, tech etc. Another way to tag is by importance. This way you can only allow offline downloading for particularly important articles.

Read it later services only let you save from the page itself. The reason is so that you are already exposed to any advertising that supports that site. However, once you have saved the link, you wont see any ads again.

The next time you come across an article you really want to read, you know what to do.