Top Concerns When Buying a Generator

The benefits of a portable power supply are numerous, and not hard to sell. Portable power units are versatile and convenient, able to provide power almost anywhere you might need it. How you power that generator, and what you use it for, will determine which power supply is best for your needs.


Every generator needs a fuel source to convert into energy. The most common types of generators rely on either diesel fuel or gasoline to burn and discharge energy. There are also hybrid units, which use a combination of fuel and electric power like a hybrid car. Other units utilize lithium batteries to store energy from an external power source for later use. Solar generators can even create energy from the rays of the sun.

Voltage & Power Output

A generator is only useful if its output matches your needs. The most common models output around 12 volts, and are typically used as jump starters. Generators can output a range of up to 28 volts, which translates to 2,000 peak amps of power on demand. Before you select a generator, assess what you plan to power and choose accordingly.

Intended Usage & Compatibility

If the generator meets the wattage you need, it must also be compatible with your hardware. Most generators and power supplies feature standard sockets that have compatibility with most electric tools or hardware. There are also specific power units for starting the engine of an aircraft. A turbine starting unit can come with a trolley, so it can be wheeled onto the tarmac where it is needed.

Size and Mobility

An external power supply can be portable, on a dolly, or it can be anchored down. If your power supply is in a garage, where you service multiple vehicles, it makes sense to have a heavy-duty generator capable of longer output than someone who might need to jumpstart a car. Smaller generators come with the benefit of portability, so you can use them to work on your home and then go out to the woods and provide lighting for a camp site. Most generators can be outfitted with wheels to make transport much easier, so consider this when you need portability with a higher output.